Produkt zum Begriff New:
Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns
Test-driven, test-first, and test-early development practices are helping thousands of software development organizations improve their software. Now, in Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns, Stephen Vance builds on all that’s been learned about test-driven development, helping you achieve unprecedented levels of first-time quality. Using real-world code examples, this guide introduces patterns, principles, and more than two dozen detailed techniques for testing any software system more fully, effectively, and painlessly. Vance presents a conceptual framework to help you focus your efforts and design recommendations for improving testability across the software lifecycle, and also provides hands-on guidance to simplify testing of the full spectrum of code constructs. You’ll learn how to choose the best testing techniques for every situation, from the most common scenarios to threading. Two complete case studies put it all together, walking you through testing a brand-new Java application and an untested “legacy” JavaScript jQuery plugin. Whether you’re developing cutting-edge code for a new start-up, or maintaining an unruly old system, this guide will help you deliver exactly what you need: quality code. • Simplify unit testing of all your code—and improve integration and system testing • Delineate intent and implementation to promote more reliable and scalable testing • Overcome confusion and misunderstandings about the mechanics of writing tests • Test “side effects,” behavioral characteristics, and contextual constraints • Understand subtle interactions between design and testability—and make them work for, not against, you • Discover core principles that guide your key testing decisions • Explore testing getters/setters, string handling, encapsulation, override variations, visibility, singleton patterns, error conditions, and more • Reproduce and test complex race conditions deterministically
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Effective Software Testing
Effective Software Testing is a hands-on guide to creating high quality tests, from your first line of code through pre-delivery checks. It's full of techniques drawn from proven research in software engineering. You'll learn to efficiently engineer tests specifically for your software and end reliance on generic testing practices that may be right for every project. Each chapter puts a new technique into practice with source code samples, real-world tradeoffs, and answers to the common questions developers pose about testing. You'll learn how to scrutinize your requirements for potential tests, generate tests from your code structure, and engineer rigorous suites of unit, integration, and system tests.Go beyond unit tests! Great software testing makes the entire development process more efficient, from understanding your code before you write it to catching bugs in tricky corner cases.Effective Software Testing teaches you a systematic approach to software testing. You'll master easy-to-apply techniques to create strong test suites that are specifically engineered for your code. Following real-world use cases and detailed code samples, you'll soon be engineering tests that find the bugs hiding in edge cases and the parts of code you would never think of testing! Along the way, you'll develop an intuition for testing that can save years of learning by trial and error.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Shanghai New Development Sentosa Hotel
Preis: 66 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Innovation Management and New Product Development
Explore key concepts of managing innovation and engage with latest developments in the field Innovation Management and New Product Development, 7th Edition, by Trott is an established textbook on innovation management, management of technology, new product development and entrepreneurship. It provides an evidence-based approach to managing innovation in a wide range of contexts, including manufacturing, services, small to large organisations and the private and public sectors. The book keeps you abreast of the recent developments in the field of innovation and how the subject is being discussed in the wider business world through up-to-date examples, case studies, illustrations and images in every chapter. Clear and informed coverage of the management processes of new product development, coupled with a practical orientation of taking you through real-life challenges and dilemmas, makes it an essential textbook for MBA, MSc and advanced undergraduate courses. Pearson, the world's learning company.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welche Software benutzt Bella in New Moon?
In New Moon benutzt Bella die Software "Adobe Photoshop" zum Bearbeiten von Fotos. Sie verwendet die Software, um ein Bild von sich und Edward zu erstellen, als ob sie zusammen aufgenommen worden wären.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf - Suche den QR-Code für...
Leider kann ich dir keinen spezifischen QR-Code für Animal Crossing: New Leaf geben, da es viele verschiedene Designs gibt und sie oft von Spielern selbst erstellt werden. Du könntest jedoch online nach QR-Codes suchen, die von anderen Spielern geteilt werden, oder selbst welche erstellen, indem du den QR-Code-Scanner im Spiel verwendest.
Was sind die wichtigsten Funktionen, Vorteile und Einschränkungen verschiedener IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) für die Entwicklung von Software in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen?
Die wichtigsten Funktionen von IDEs sind die Code-Editierung, Debugging, Compiler-Integration und Projektverwaltung. Sie bieten Vorteile wie erhöhte Produktivität, verbesserte Code-Qualität und eine benutzerfreundliche Entwicklungsumgebung. Einschränkungen können sich auf die Ressourcennutzung, die Kompatibilität mit bestimmten Sprachen und die Lernkurve für neue Benutzer beziehen. Verschiedene IDEs sind auf bestimmte Sprachen spezialisiert, z.B. Visual Studio für C# und Java, PyCharm für Python und Eclipse für Java.
Wie kann das Prinzip der objektorientierten Programmierung in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen angewendet werden, um die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Code zu verbessern und die Entwicklung von Software zu erleichtern?
Das Prinzip der objektorientierten Programmierung kann in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen angewendet werden, indem Klassen und Objekte erstellt werden, die es ermöglichen, Code zu organisieren und zu strukturieren. Durch Vererbung können Klassen von anderen Klassen erben, wodurch Code wiederverwendet und die Entwicklung beschleunigt werden kann. Polymorphismus ermöglicht es, dass verschiedene Klassen auf ähnliche Weise verwendet werden können, was die Flexibilität und Wiederverwendbarkeit des Codes erhöht. Durch die Verwendung von Schnittstellen können Klassen definiert werden, die bestimmte Methoden implementieren müssen, was die Interoperabilität und Wiederverwendbarkeit von Code verbessert.
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Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software
How do successful agile teams deliver bug-free, maintainable software—iteration after iteration? The answer is: By seamlessly combining development and testing. On such teams, the developers write testable code that enables them to verify it using various types of automated tests. This approach keeps regressions at bay and prevents “testing crunches”—which otherwise may occur near the end of an iteration—from ever happening. Writing testable code, however, is often difficult, because it requires knowledge and skills that cut across multiple disciplines. In Developer Testing, leading test expert and mentor Alexander Tarlinder presents concise, focused guidance for making new and legacy code far more testable. Tarlinder helps you answer questions like: When have I tested this enough? How many tests do I need to write? What should my tests verify? You’ll learn how to design for testability and utilize techniques like refactoring, dependency breaking, unit testing, data-driven testing, and test-driven development to achieve the highest possible confidence in your software. Through practical examples in Java, C#, Groovy, and Ruby, you’ll discover what works—and what doesn’t. You can quickly begin using Tarlinder’s technology-agnostic insights with most languages and toolsets while not getting buried in specialist details. The author helps you adapt your current programming style for testability, make a testing mindset “second nature,” improve your code, and enrich your day-to-day experience as a software professional. With this guide, you will Understand the discipline and vocabulary of testing from the developer’s standpointBase developer tests on well-established testing techniques and best practicesRecognize code constructs that impact testabilityEffectively name, organize, and execute unit testsMaster the essentials of classic and “mockist-style” TDDLeverage test doubles with or without mocking frameworksCapture the benefits of programming by contract, even without runtime support for contractsTake control of dependencies between classes, components, layers, and tiersHandle combinatorial explosions of test cases, or scenarios requiring many similar testsManage code duplication when it can’t be eliminatedActively maintain and improve your test suitesPerform more advanced tests at the integration, system, and end-to-end levelsDevelop an understanding for how the organizational context influences quality assuranceEstablish well-balanced and effective testing strategies suitable for agile teams
Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Fahrradhandschuhe rh+ New Code
Anatomisch geformte, rutschfeste Handfläche mit variabler Dicke (100%PA) + Belüftungslöcher.Anti-Schweiß-Tuch aus MikroveloursVerstellbare ManschetteZuglaschen zum einfachen Herausziehen des gantMesh für die obere Hand, um die Belüftung zu erhöhen.Light Mesh-Gewebe für die obere Hand ( 87% PA%. 13% EA)
Preis: 29.54 € | Versand*: 7.4900 € -
Managing Iterative Software Development Projects
The Practical, Start-to-Finish Guide to Planning and Leading Iterative Software Projects Iterative processes have gained widespread acceptance because they help software developers reduce risk and cost, manage change, improve productivity, and deliver more effective, timely solutions. But conventional project management techniques don’t work well in iterative projects, and newer iterative management techniques have been poorly documented. Managing Iterative Software Development Projects is the solution: a relentlessly practical guide to planning, organizing, estimating, staffing, and managing any iterative project, from start to finish. Leading iterative development experts Kurt Bittner and Ian Spence introduce a proven, scalable approach that improves both agility and control at the same time, satisfying the needs of developers, managers, and the business alike. Their techniques are easy to understand, and easy to use with any iterative methodology, from Rational Unified Process to Extreme Programming to the Microsoft Solutions Framework. Whatever your role–team leader, program manager, project manager, developer, sponsor, or user representative–this book will help you Understand the key drivers of success in iterative projects Leverage “time boxing” to define project lifecycles and measure resultsUse Unified Process phases to facilitate controlled iterative development Master core concepts of iterative project management, including layering and evolutionCreate project roadmaps, including release plansDiscover key patterns of risk management, estimation, organization, and iteration planning Understand what must be controlled centrally, and what you can safely delegateTransition smoothly to iterative processesScale iterative project management from the smallest to the largest projectsAlign software investments with the needs of the business Whether you are interested in software development using RUP, OpenUP, or other agile processes, this book will help you reduce the anxiety and cost associated with software improvement by providing an easy, non-intrusive path toward improved results–without overwhelming you and your team.
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns
Test-driven, test-first, and test-early development practices are helping thousands of software development organizations improve their software. Now, in Quality Code: Software Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns, Stephen Vance builds on all that’s been learned about test-driven development, helping you achieve unprecedented levels of first-time quality. Using real-world code examples, this guide introduces patterns, principles, and more than two dozen detailed techniques for testing any software system more fully, effectively, and painlessly. Vance presents a conceptual framework to help you focus your efforts and design recommendations for improving testability across the software lifecycle, and also provides hands-on guidance to simplify testing of the full spectrum of code constructs. You’ll learn how to choose the best testing techniques for every situation, from the most common scenarios to threading. Two complete case studies put it all together, walking you through testing a brand-new Java application and an untested “legacy” JavaScript jQuery plugin. Whether you’re developing cutting-edge code for a new start-up, or maintaining an unruly old system, this guide will help you deliver exactly what you need: quality code. • Simplify unit testing of all your code—and improve integration and system testing • Delineate intent and implementation to promote more reliable and scalable testing • Overcome confusion and misunderstandings about the mechanics of writing tests • Test “side effects,” behavioral characteristics, and contextual constraints • Understand subtle interactions between design and testability—and make them work for, not against, you • Discover core principles that guide your key testing decisions • Explore testing getters/setters, string handling, encapsulation, override variations, visibility, singleton patterns, error conditions, and more • Reproduce and test complex race conditions deterministically
Preis: 20.32 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann das Konzept der objektorientierten Programmierung in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen angewendet werden, um die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Code zu verbessern und die Entwicklung von Software zu erleichtern?
Das Konzept der objektorientierten Programmierung kann in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen angewendet werden, indem Klassen und Objekte erstellt werden, die es ermöglichen, Code zu organisieren und zu strukturieren. Durch Vererbung können Klassen von anderen Klassen erben, wodurch Code wiederverwendet und die Entwicklung beschleunigt werden kann. Polymorphismus ermöglicht es, dass verschiedene Klassen auf einheitliche Weise verwendet werden können, was die Flexibilität und Wiederverwendbarkeit des Codes erhöht. Durch die Verwendung von Schnittstellen können Klassen definiert werden, die bestimmte Methoden implementieren müssen, was die Interoperabilität und Wiederverwendbarkeit von Code verbessert.
Wie kann das Konzept der objektorientierten Programmierung in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen angewendet werden, um die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Code zu verbessern und die Entwicklung von Software zu erleichtern?
Das Konzept der objektorientierten Programmierung kann in verschiedenen Programmiersprachen angewendet werden, indem Klassen und Objekte erstellt werden, die es ermöglichen, Code zu organisieren und zu strukturieren. Durch Vererbung können Klassen von anderen Klassen erben, was die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Code erhöht und die Entwicklung von Software beschleunigt. Polymorphismus ermöglicht es, dass verschiedene Klassen auf ähnliche Weise verwendet werden können, was die Flexibilität und Wartbarkeit des Codes verbessert. Durch die Verwendung von Abstraktion können komplexe Systeme vereinfacht und die Lesbarkeit des Codes verbessert werden, was die Entwicklung von Software erleichtert.
Warum ist Software Testing wichtig?
Warum ist Software Testing wichtig? Software Testing ist wichtig, um sicherzustellen, dass die Software fehlerfrei funktioniert und den Anforderungen der Benutzer entspricht. Durch gründliches Testing können potenzielle Probleme frühzeitig erkannt und behoben werden, was letztendlich die Qualität der Software verbessert. Zudem trägt Software Testing dazu bei, das Vertrauen der Benutzer in die Software zu stärken und die Kundenzufriedenheit zu erhöhen. Nicht zuletzt hilft Testing auch dabei, Kosten und Zeit im Entwicklungsprozess zu sparen, da Fehler frühzeitig identifiziert und behoben werden können. Insgesamt ist Software Testing also ein entscheidender Schritt, um eine zuverlässige und hochwertige Software bereitzustellen.
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Blackbox-Testing und Whitebox-Testing in der Programmierung?
Blackbox-Testing bezieht sich auf eine Testmethode, bei der der Tester keine Kenntnisse über den internen Aufbau oder die Implementierung des Programms hat. Stattdessen werden nur die Ein- und Ausgabewerte getestet, um sicherzustellen, dass das Programm wie erwartet funktioniert. Whitebox-Testing hingegen bezieht sich auf eine Testmethode, bei der der Tester Kenntnisse über den internen Aufbau und die Implementierung des Programms hat. Dies ermöglicht es dem Tester, gezielt bestimmte Pfade und Bedingungen im Code zu testen, um mögliche Fehler zu finden.
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